List of available notes

Installing/debugging NetBSD on a OVH bare metal server
How to install NetBSD, explore hardware, configure dual booting in order to be able to track down problems, on a OVH bare metal offer.
kerTeX presentation during "Journée GUTenberg 2024" (french)
The main points of the presentation about kerTeX made during the "Journée GUTenberg 2024", at the ENS, rue d'Ulm, Paris. The document is in french and will be translated and completed later, with what was exposed during the event, and with supplementary precisions. The document is (for now) only in french.
X11 modules organization and compilation
Notes about the organization of the (user space) X11 modules, and the compilation, with the autotools meson transition.
Nix OS
Notes on the Nix (regen) project.

©2022–2024 Thierry Laronde — FRANCE